Atlanta Film Society

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Support Metro Atlanta Arts Organizations

On Tuesday, March 7th, we were devastated to hear that the Atlanta Lyric Theatre has shut down after 42 seasons. Not only is its closing a loss for our vibrant industry, it is also an indicator that if left unchecked, the crisis in the theatre and arts sectors caused by the COVID-19 shutdowns will continue to ravage our community.

Arts and theatre companies across the country are at an inflection point. Now is the time to act to ensure theatre and the arts stay a center point of Atlanta communities.

We have signed an open letter with more than 20 other theatres and arts organizations in and around Atlanta asking for change.

Can we count on your support to make this change happen?

Share the letter on social media, contact your state and local representatives, and consider making a donation to your favorite local arts organization.

Any contribution can make a difference in the future of arts in Atlanta.